This project focuses on illustrating the spatial consequences from the discrimination and prejudice towards individuals of lower social class particularly children living in poverty, being the innocent victims of structural inequality and looking at how spatial exclusions deteriorate the condition of the food environment and food security in Clarksfield, Oldham, an area with a high density of low-income households.
The association of structural inequality, poverty and architecture are explored through a comparative study of Unequal Territories, having unequal provision (including chosen site) of spatial and infrastructural qualities.
Through alternative redistribution and reintegration of territories on site, possible scenarios were created to present the spatial consequences of systemic discrimination, demonstrating how the lives of different groups and individuals can be affected by decisions made with little considerations towards underprivileged users with different backgrounds. The final output of the thesis is a proposal of a redesigned masterplan of Clarksfield, Oldham attained by addition, spatial reconfiguration and redistribution of structural features the site are lacking which have been optimized to accommodate the different needs of different user groups as well as to provide spatially equal environments that support improvement on food security.